How to choose a decorative fireplace which does not require the installation of a flue? In fact, users can choose a hot flame ventless fireplace to enjoy a cozy fire or a cold flame water vapor insert for total safety. Nowadays, fireplaces for heating are giving way to fireplaces for pleasure. This does not mean that we prefer the flames of fireplaces or ethanol burners which provide gentle heat; it means that if you would rather absolute safety, the decorative water vapor fireplace with cold flames is the best choice.

How to choose a decorative fireplace for private individuals or families?

When installing a ventless decorative fireplace in a private home, there are two main possibilities.
Bio fireplaces or ethanol burners offer the advantage of a hot flame. These devices are now firmly established as an option for consumes. Automatic bio ethanol burner inserts are equipped with electronic safety devices that shut down the device in the event of a malfunction, an essential guarantee of safety. Spending an evening by the fireplace or an ethanol burner is an unparalleled pleasure.
However, the 3D water vapor fireplace is THE solution for individuals or families who want a 100% safe fireplace. Indeed, in a home with children or fragile people, the cold flame decorative steam fireplace is the best choice. The flames are beautiful and so perfectly real, you can put your hands through and play with the fire!


Eco-friendly inserts that work with renewable energies


Ventless decorative fireplace


100% safe fireplace



Decorative fireplace for hotel, restaurant, bar, club

How to choose a decorative fireplace for a hotel, restaurant, bar, or any public space?

The hospitality industry, the entertainment and events sector, and businesses have suffered a great deal during the COVID-19 crisis. The world of design and decoration has been severely impacted as a result. However, these sectors are reinventing themselves with new products and new concepts. We will do better with even more spectacular designs and integrating the ecology of systems.
Fire adds life to decor and is an extraordinary tool for designers. But how to choose a decorative fireplace,100% safe? This is the foremost question because fire can be dangerous, and the safety regulations concerning fireplaces for restaurants, hotels, clubs and public places are strict. The decorative electric water vapor fireplace settles all safety issues. It is a safe fireplace with real cold flames. An ecological water fireplace that does not emit any dangerous gases. In addition, its air / and water tanks are fitted with UVC lamps to purify the water vapor (AFIRE UVC disinfection patents). In short, it is the ideal fireplace for decoration professionals who want to create an extraordinary atmosphere in a public space.
To help you choose a ventless decorative fireplace, here are all our images on Pinterest